

Why do we dream?[ EDU Science ]

Why do we dream?

Ancient Mesopotamian kings recorded their dreams on wax tablets and later composed a book to find, WHY WE DREAM?

So today we will continue to find why we dream?

We still don't have a definite answer but we have different theories.

We dream to fulfill our wishes!!

The things that we see in dreams are actually related to our reality. The wishes that arise in our sub concise mind is fullied in our dreams giving us a sweet feeling. For example, becoming a billionaire in the dreams.

We dream to remember!!

We dream to re-remember, that's means dreams helps us to reorganize what we have learned today and make them permanent memory.

We dream to sharpen our fight or flight action.

We dream to sharpen our fight or flight action, all the horrible and dangerous dreams make our brain take flight or fight decisions which sharpens them, indeed!
For e.g. A bear chasing you or fighting with a ninja.

We dream to forget and remove depression and negative things.

We dream to forget unwanted things and remove stress by seeing beautiful dreams and get new energy to fight the stress.

Indeed, dreams allow us to do all the things that our brains can't do while awake.

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