

What if there were 10,00,00,00,00,000 more trees?[ EDU Science ]

 What if there were 10,00,00,00,00,000 more trees?

The trees the, lifeline on earth for the earth. "They take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen"- We all know this. Plants nowadays are heavily cut down due to the rising human population.

But what if we consider there are 10,00,00,00,00,000 more trees in the world, for one minute.
Then you will say, SERIOUSLY, IT WILL BECAME FORESTS!!, right?
Yes, there is enough empty space available on earth to plant 10,00,00,00,00,000 more trees.
Earth today supports more than 3 trillion trees—eight times as many as we thought a decade ago. But that number is rapidly shrinking, according to a global tree survey released today. We are losing 15 billion trees a year to toilet paper, timber, farmland expansion, and other human needs. So even though the total count is large, the decline is “a cause for concern,”

Forests are important to humans, not just for their products, but also for their ability to foster biodiversity, store carbon, preserve water quality, and perform other ecosystem services. Up to 45% of the carbon stored on land may be tied up in forests. But figuring out how many trees grace our planet has been a difficult task. To date, most forest assessments have estimated tree cover based on satellite images. In 2005, one group converted that coverage into a measurement known as tree density and concluded the planet was home to 400 billion trees, or 61 trees per person alive at the time.

If the number of trees is limitless then it would be dangerous as the tree takes in carbon dioxide and store it in them. But if the trees fall due to some reason, maybe it is man-made or natural it will give out a huge amount of carbon dioxide in the air which is very very dangerous as it may increase the global warming much rapidly than ever before.

We may plant many trees but our next generation has to protect it otherwise huge carbon emission would rapidly destroy our lovely earth.

Conclusion- Protecting the trees which we have now is enough, for now, please protect them they are our lifeline.


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