

Is Helium a Noble Gas? [ EDU Science ]

 Is Helium a Noble Gas?

So we first should know what is Helium?

Helium is a gas that ranks second in the Periodic table this means that helium is the second lightest element on earth that can easily float above the air.


Helium Gas is used in weather observation balloons and even in gas balloons that we love to see. But there rise a question that why hydrogen is not used even that is the lightest element on earth and also ranks first in the periodic table? 

The reason is that Hydrogen gas is a highly flammable gas and using this gas in ballons many accidents had also happened. This is why hydrogen gas is not used widely nowadays.

So let's come to the point.

We should get a brief description of Noble gases.

Noble gases are those gases that chemically do not combine with any other gases chemically in a natural way or artificial way.


Yes, Helium gas is an inert gas or noble gas, and that to the most inert.

There are 6 inert gases on which Helium ranks the first, are Helium, neon, argon, Radon, kypton, and Xeon

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