

Geoengineering: An idea that could take us to the next level of humanity. [ EDU Science ]

 Geoengineering: An idea that could take us to the next level of humanity.

In this 21st century, humanity is destroying all the things to which they can reach. This would force humanity to choose something very horrible that is Geoengineering.

What is Geoengineering?

Geoengineering is the way in which humans, have to artificially deploy sulfuric acid in the atmosphere to stop global warming as the clouds of sulphuric acid cover up the sky it will reduce the sunlight reaching the earth this means heating up will be reduced due to greenhouse gases. 

But wait there are some negative impact of it let's look at them:-

  1. Sulphuric acid obviously is acid and it will change the rainwater to acid rain because it will dilute to normal clouds. Thus changing the rain pattern in many parts of the world.

  2. If we start this process of covering up the sky with sulphuric acid, we have again and again do this every year because if we suddenly stop this process the greenhouse effect will start. This will lead to a sudden increase in global warming that we have never seen. This will lead to the exact opposite situation, from that we wanted.

There are also some positive impacts that are:-

  1. The cost that is required to cope with current global warming is in the thousands, but Geoengineering would cost relatively very very little to maintain at a constant.
  2. This would solve many problems related to famines and droughts. 


Geoengineering is not a bad idea but we need to do more research on it before we apply it, or the result would be dangerous.

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