

Why you are also CANCER affected?[ EDU Science. ]

 Why you are also CANCER affected?

We are losing about 5 million cells every second but don't worry it's normal. Our cells repeatedly divide into new cells to take place of the dead cells according to our DNA configuration.


But during division, many things go wrong, but there is an auto-correct system in our body just like our smartphones have which makes the problem correct to 99% but not 100% and this difference leads to the formation of cancer cells. So cancer is nothing else but a wrongly coded cell that is due to broken or abnormal DNA structure, this type of cell divides uncontrollably and creates a cluster of it. This in turn develops their own blood supply system as cancer cells are usually more hungry than a normal cell.

How does a cancer start?
Cancer develops when the body's normal control mechanism stops working. Old cells do not die and instead grow out of control, forming new, abnormal cells. These extra cells may form a mass of tissue, called a tumor.


Then why don't get cancer ??

Who says that you don't have cancer cells, you obviously have it, but your body's immune system prevents it from extending further. There are 200 types of cancer with which our body fights continuously and it's our time to prevent cancer using artificial remedies. There will be no permanent cure for cancer but we may suppress it partially.

Which type of cancer is dangerous?

Because pancreatic cancer progresses rapidly, and no method of early detection has been discovered, it is one of the most dangerous types of cancer. The one-year survival rate is 25 percent, and the five-year survival rate sits at only 6 percent.

What are the 4 types of cancer?

  1. Carcinomas. 
  2. Sarcomas. 
  3. Leukemias. 
  4. Lymphomas.
These are the name of some common types of cancer that used to happen in the human body.


Hence, we can conclude that cancer is present in our body, but our auto-correct system and the immune system prevent it from extending further.

Some outside factors like UV rays, Tobacco, Smoking, Drugs are other factors of forming various types of cancer.

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