

Mysterious water on which any one can float? [ EDU Science ]

 Why do we sink in water but not on the Dead Sea?

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So let's start our today's topic that is 👇

Why do we sink in water but not on the Dead Sea?

We almost everyone knows what is the Dead Sea, for those who don't, the Dead Sea is a sea that has a high concentration of salt in its water which is much higher than normal seawater. Things can easily float on the water of the Dead Sea.

So today we will discover why we float in the water of the Dead Sea with no difficulties.
We know that an object with a higher density sink in a liquid with a lower density than the object and floats on the liquid if the object's density is less than the liquid.

*Density is referred to as the amount of mass in a unit volume of that object.
The main reason why one floats in the Dead Sea and sinks in the water is the density of the water in the Dead sea is much higher than any normal object including our body itself.

The density of the water is higher because of the high amount of salt in the water of the Dead Sea. 

"We know that an object with a higher density sink in a liquid with a lower density than the object and floats on the liquid if the object's density is less than the liquid."- as the density of the human body is lower than the Dead Seawater the human body floats easily on the surface of the Dad Seawater.

So we can conclude that all the difference between plain water and Dead Seawater is the density of the following two types of water.

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