

The Side Effects of Vaccines - How High is the Risk? [ EDU Science ]

 The Side Effects of Vaccines - How High is the Risk?

Vaccines are seen to overcome deadly diseases, but some of us think they are deadly themselves!! The internet is full of news, videos about allergic reactions, fever, and even death, after vaccination and it's true that vaccines can have side effects.

Let's look at how they work and how dangerous they actually are.

Vaccines are like tricking our body to create memory cells. Now, what are these memory cells??

They do nothing but remember that if a certain type of virus invades our body, then which type of antibodies we have to release. 

Now what the vaccines do is, injects some dead or weak viruses into our body that our immune system can easily defeat and create memory cells for the virus.

Job done !! we are immunized against the virus.

Sometimes, the vaccines have live viruses that are cousins of the real strong ones, and they only annoy the immune system to win over the viruses and these cousins are prepared In the laboratory.

But there are some other sides of vaccines, just like all things on the earth have.

Like a healthy person can get the disease for no reason.

After vaccination one can have a chance of fever.

But as we have upgraded medical services these problems can be dealt with no difficulties and they are also very rare. Vaccines are the only way to keep the deadly diseases out from our body !!

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