

Matter: Definition and Overview. [ EDU Science]

 Matter in a new way.

"We all know that matter is something that has mass and occupies space."

This line is spoon-fed from our school times. But today we will learn it in a new and interesting way.

We all, at a certain point in time, have heard the term"molecule". So, is the base of a matter, why not atom? Because atoms can not exist freely. They will always combine to form a molecule.

Now, what is the role of a molecule in the matter ?? 

Let, take a house into consideration, a house is built by placing many bricks together in rows and columns, similarly, molecules are also placed in rows and columns to build the matter.

The above picture depicted a matter in solid form, why I said solid form because they are very closely packed.

The reason behind this:-

1. The intermolecular space between the molecules of solid.

2. The intermolecular force of attraction between the molecules of solid. (This force is neither due to electric charge on the molecules nor due to the gravitational force on the molecule)

3. Kinetic energy of the molecules due to which they move to and fro.

In the above picture, we may see the difference in the molecules of a solid, a liquid, a gas.

Why they are different, because the kinetic energy, intermolecular space, intermolecular force of attraction all are different on the three states of matter. For e.g the intermolecular space in solid is less, in liquid is a little more, in gas it is far apart. The intermolecular force of attraction in solid is very high, in liquid, it is a little less than solid so they flow, in gases it is negligible.

These are the reasons why the matter exists in three different states.

Hope you liked these post. If you have any queries regarding this topic feel free to ask it in the comment section.

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